Friday, January 30, 2009

Dell and Android: Good news, or bad?

In recent news, Dell Inc, of discount computer manufacturing fame, is gearing up to wow us yet again with two new additions to the already bloated smart-phone market. Normally, this type of event wouldn't even merit a blog entry (those of you who follow my blog know that it takes a pretty special event to force me to post anything), but for one gem of a fact: One of those phones is supposed to run on the famed Android OS, recently released by Google.

The other will, of course, run on Windows Mobile, which is not nearly as exciting to me. But, a phone running Android? That's cool. For several months, I have coveted the T-Mobile G1, which is currently the only phone that runs on the Android platform. It is, at least for me, prohibitively expensive.

I wonder of the rumors that Dell will make these phones customizable mean that a user will be able to choose the operating system running on his phone? I can't wait to see where this new development takes us.